The Police
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"Nottingham Knockers"


Dear Resident


We are urging people to be vigilant after a spate of suspected unlicensed door sellers in the area


We are aware of cold callers going door to door selling items in the  area – so called “Nottingham Knockers”.

These people may often offer household cleaning products for sale from rucksacks or suitcases.

Please be vigilant, do not purchase anything and never hand over cash on your doorstep.

If you feel threatened, close the door and contact police.

Always ensure your property is fully secure.

The items offered are often of low quality and advertised at inflated prices.

The “sales pitches” can also be part of a wider operation to identify burglary targets.

Those involved may claim to be part of rehabilitation schemes and could produce ID cards – these are entirely false and have no legal bearing.

Never buy anything from these people and report them to police.

Visit www.northantspolice.co.uk or call 101.

Always dial 999 in an emergency.


  • Not expecting a caller?  Don’t recognise the person at your door?  If you’re not sure, don’t open the door!
  • Don’t enter into a conversation with cold callers. It’s not rude to ignore them.
  • Never employ anyone who knocks on your door offering trades or services. A reputable trader will never cold call
  • Join our DOORSTEP ACTION NETWORK. Request your free No Cold Callers door sticker from crimeprevention@northants.police.uk
  • If you would like to contact your local policing team, search in the Your Area section of our website.

    PC/PCSO name

    Location Neighbourhood Policing Team


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    Message Sent By
    Victoria Purcell
    (Police , Sector Coordinator , East Northants and Wellingborough)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials