The Police
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Break in to a Farm Building


Dear Resident,

Just to keep everybody in the loop….

……Culprits have cut the padlock to a nearby farm outbuilding & taken a bicycle worth around £500.

With holiday season in full swing can we remind everyone to continue locking outhouses etc.


You can also pass on information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Here is some further crime prevention advice;

Shed break

  • Sheds are often broken into by burglars who will steal tools to use to break into your house. Keep your shed locked and obscure any windows with window film, paint, or net curtains.
  • If possible, choose to store expensive items such as lawn mowers, hedge cutters, bikes and tools more securely in a garage.
  • Overtly mark your tools with your postcode so they can be identified as belonging to you. TOOL SECURITY SILVER | CRE Products
  • Further security tips can be found on the Northamptonshire Police website and on the Neighbourhood Watch website. 

    If you would like to contact your local policing team, visit the Policing in Your Area section of our website.

    PCSO Tim Butter

     Neighbourhood Policing Team

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    Message Sent By
    Tim Butter
    (Police, PCSO, EN Thrapston & villages)

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