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Burglary Crime Prevention Advice

Northamptonshire Police Force are not just focused on catching the burglars after incidents have occurred, but also working with our crime prevention teams, intelligence colleagues and other departments across the Force, to do as much as we can to prevent these crimes from happening in the first place.

To report a crime or incident, provide information or for advice, call 101 or visit www.northants.police.uk.

In an emergency when there is a crime in progress or a life at risk always call 999.

You can provide confidential information should you wish to remain anonymous.

Calls can be made to the Independent Charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or visit. www.crimestoppers-uk.org


Burglars will use a variety of ways to avoid being noticed.

They don’t want to be seen or heard by a neighbour or passer-by because they will feel exposed and identifiable.

Here’s some useful advice, firstly on helping to keep burglars out by giving them no hiding place 


Keep it visible

You’d think that it would be best to make a property less visible from the street, and to keep it hidden from prying eyes behind overgrown bushes, trees, high fences or walls. In reality, all that this serves to do is make it easier for a burglar to get close to a home unnoticed, and provide somewhere to hide while carrying out a burglary or theft from the property.

  • Lower fences at the front around one-metre high are preferable to high fences as they allow for a clear view over the top and don’t provide cover for anyone wishing to hide.
  • At the rear and sides, taller fencing is recommended to prevent easy access.
  • Trellis, thorny plants, or a suitable anti-climb topping such as plastic spikes make it difficult for anyone climbing over a fence or gate.
  • Planting prickly or barbed shrubbery along boundaries and fence lines acts as an effective natural barrier.
  • Gravel driveways and paths will make sure you hear anyone approach.
  • Checklist for securing your home when you leave it

    It’s vital to leave your home secure whenever you leave it. Getting into an ‘exit routine’ can help ensure that you don’t forget obvious, important things, like not leaving your valuables near windows, or no lights on if it will be dark before you get home. Here’s what you should do just before you go out.

    Become a creature of habit

    Try to get into the habit of following your own course of action when you lock up your home. This will ensure that you don’t forget anything.

    Here’s what we recommend you do before you go out:

  • close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you’re only going out for a few minutes
  • double-lock any door
  • make sure that any valuables are out of sight
  • keep handbags away from the letterbox or cat flap and hide all keys including car keys, as a thief could hook keys or valuables through even a small opening
  • never leave car documents or ID in obvious places such as kitchens or hallways
  • in the evening, shut the curtains and leave lights on
  • if you’re out all day, then it’s advisable to use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night
  • set your burglar alarm
  • make sure the side gate is locked
  • lock your shed or garage
  • lock your bike inside a secure shed or garage, to a robust fitting bolted to the ground or wall, like a ground anchor
  • Going away?

    Here are five tips to help you keep your home and belongings stay safe while you’re away:

  • if you’re off on holiday and wish to post anything on social media, make sure your posts aren’t public and that they’re only seen by your friends
  • leave lights and a radio on a timer to make the property appear occupied
  • get a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property or join a Neighbourhood or resident Watch Scheme
  • consider asking your neighbours to close curtains after dark and to park on your drive
  • remember to cancel newspaper and milk deliveries
  • Register your valuables using an accredited property database; these can be found on the Secured by Design website. www.securedbydesign.com Take photographs and keep documents like receipts related to your property so you can prove ownership.


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    Message Sent By
    Michael Harrison
    (Police, PCSO, NN4 Northampton North East NPT)

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