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Operation Lapland: Keeping you safer this Christmas


Northamptonshire Police carry out high-visibility patrols in key retail locations as the Force’s annual festive crime crackdown gains pace.

Operation Lapland runs each year to reduce and detect crime types that historically increase in the run up to Christmas, including shop theft, anti-social behaviour (ASB), vehicle crime and robbery.

Across the county, Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) are working with the county’s Retail Crime Initiative, councils, businesses and other partners to provide a visible deterrent to would-be offenders and reassurance to shoppers and residents.

Superintendent Steve Freeman, who is overseeing Operation Lapland, said: “The aims of Lapland are twofold – to keep people safer from acquisitive crime as they enjoy the festive season, and to target known criminals and prevent them from spoiling anyone’s Christmas.

“Shoppers and store workers are going to be seeing a lot of our teams as they walk our town centres and retail parks, including sharing crime prevention advice and answering any concerns people have.

“Offenders can also expect to see even more of us – we know who you are and will be making our presence felt to prevent you offending, disrupt your illegal activities and deter you from crime.”

Working to plans tailored by town to address each area’s key issues, NPT officers are liaising closely with the Force’s dedicated Retail Crime Team to ensure shoplifters can be swiftly charged and brought before the courts.

Throughout December, officers will also be focusing on patrolling known vehicle crime hotspots and carrying out patrols with accredited wardens in areas covered by Public Safety Protection Orders (PSPOs) which work to prevent and penalise anti-social behaviour.

Supt Freeman said: “Policing doesn’t stop, ever. We’re a 24/7 operation every day of the year and I hope knowing more about the detailed and targeted work we have underway will help people feel confident as we strive to keep them safer this Christmas.”

Operation Lapland sits alongside the Force’s key festive campaigns tackling drink and drug driving, domestic abuse and predatory behaviour within the night-time economy.

Find out more by following the Force’s social media channels, or contacting your NPT.

Find crime prevention advice at www.northants.police.uk/CP



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Message Sent By
Christopher Asante-Ampaduh
(Northamptonshire Police, Police Community Support Officer, NC1 Corby Town)

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